Melchior Zumbrunnen

Life Sketch
Melchior Zumbrunnen was the second son of Johann Zumbrunnen and Veronika Reppulin.

Little about this junior branch of the Zumbrunnen family is known, including birth dates, death dates, whether they owned land, or whether they had children. They are the possible origin of some of the other branches of the Zumbrunnen family.

Melchior may have lived for a time in Bellinzona, Italy, where his father was the landvogt from 1626-28.

Vital Information

Name: Melchior Zumbrunnen
Sex: Male
Birth: Late-1500s or early-1600s
Residence: Altdorf or Bellinzona
Death: Unknown

Family Members

Father: Johann Zumbrunnen
Mother: Veronika Reppulin

Siblings: Caspar Zumbrunnen, Franz Zumbrunnen, Catharina Zumbrunnen, Anna Maria Zumbrunnen, Balthasar Zumbrunnen, Madelaine Zumbrunnen, Mansuetus Zumbrunnen III, Joachim Zumbrunnen

Second cousins: Landammann Johann Heinrich Zumbrunnen, Fr. Fridolin Zumbrunnen, Franz Zumbrunnen, Josue Zumbrunnen III, Johann Zumbrunnen, Burkhard Zumbrunnen, Erasmus Zumbrunnen, Mansuetus IV Zumbrunnen, Magdalena Zumbrunnen, Barbara Zumbrunnen

Spouse: Unknown
Children: Unknown


  • Melchior Zumbrunnen is mentioned in his father’s entry in the Nobiliaire Militaire Suisse.

One Comment

  1. […] of Pollegio in 1626. With his wife Veronica de Reppulin had: 1. Caspar, Ensign without alliance. 2. Melchior. 3. Francois. 4. Catherine. 5. Anne Marie, wife of Sebastien Lusser. 6. Balthasar. 7. Madelaine, […]

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