Zumbrunnen Family Tree

Lord Lamprecht, Knight of Attinghausen
1100s             ║
        Albrecht of AttinghausenHeinrich of AttinghausenWerner, Baron of Attinghausen ════╦════ Richenza von Löwenstein
                ║                                               ║  
             Werner II                                       Waltert                         
          Von Attinghausen                                 Zumbrunnen                   
               ║                                                ║
1200s          ║                              ╔═════════════════╩═════════════════╗
               ║                              ║                                   ║
            Ulrich                         Burkhard                            Herman
      Von Attinghausen                    Zumbrunnen                         Zumbrunnen
    & Von Schweinsberg                        ║                                   ║
             ║                                ║                                   ║
         Werner                            Burkhard                               ║
     Von Attinghausen                     "Schüpfer"                              ║
    & Von Schweinsberg                    Zumbrunnen                              ║
             ║                                ║                                Arnold
         ╔═══╩════════╗                     ╔═╩═══════════════╗              Zumbrunnen
         ║            ║                     ║                 ║                   ║               
    Werner IV      Diethelm              Burkhard          Conrad                 ║          Unknown         
       Von            Von               Zumbrunnen       Zumbrunnen               ║          parents:
   Attinghausen   Schweinsberg              ║                                     ║          Werner Zumbrunnen
          ║                                 ║                                  Conrad        Walter Zumbrunnen
1300s     ║                      ╔══════════╩═══╦══════════════╗             Zumbrunnen
          ║                      ║              ║              ║                
        Johann                 Johan        Mechtilda      Heinrich             
    Von Attinghausen         Zumbrunnen    Zumbrunnen     Zumbrunnen           
                                 ║                                                      Unknown link
                              Walter             Hemma                                  to branch:
                            Zumbrunnen ════╦════ Fürst                                  Zumbrunnenof Lucerne                   
                  ║                                                 ║
1400s          Walter               Idda                        Heinrich
            Zumbrunnen ════╦════ von Bramberg                  Zumbrunnen
              ║                             ║                             ║              
            Johan          Margareta    Margareta                      Johan Jr.         
          Zumbrunnen ═══╦═══ Hofer      Zumbrunnen                    Zumbrunnen         
                        ║                                                 ║
                        ║                                                 ║   
                        ║                                                 ║
                    Johann              Dorothea                       Ulrich  
                  Zumbrunnen ═══╦═══ von Beroldingen                 Zumbrunnen
                                ║                                                        Unknown  
              ╔═════════════════╩═══════════════╦═══════════════╗                        parents:
              ║                                 ║               ║                        Emman
           Mansuetus          Barbara         Anna           Andreas       Katharina     Zumbrunnen
          Zumbrunnen ═══╦═══ Aschwanden     Zumbrunnen     Zumbrunnen ═══╦═══ Käs             ║  
1500s                   ║                                                ║                    ║                 
    ╔═════════════╦═════╩═══════════╦═══════════════════════╗            ╚═══╗                ║ 
    ║             ║                 ║                       ║                ║              Hans
  Johann        Josue             8 others:             Mansuetus          Martin        Zumbrunnen
Zumbrunnen    Zumbrunnen      Dorothea, Lucretia,       Zumbrunnen        Zumbrunnen      
             m. Margareta     Kunigunda, Hugo David     m. Dorothea       m. Agatha
                 Von          Erasmus, Magdalena          Imhof           Weingarten
             Fleckenstein     Margareta, Waltert            ║                 
                  ║                                         ╚═══════╗ 
                  ║                                                 ║
               ╔══╩════════════╦═══════════════╗          ╔═════════╩═════════╗
               ║               ║         2 daughters:     ║             2 others:       Unknown link  
            Heinrich          Josue      Margareta,     Johann          Margareta       to branch:
           Zumbrunnen      Zumbrunnen    Madelaine    Zumbrunnen        Dorothea        Zumbrunnen of
            m. Maria             ║                    m.Veronika                        Bernese Highlands  
               ║                 ╚═════════════════╗      ╚═══════════════╗  
               ║                           ╔═══════╩═══════╗              ║
             ╔═╩═══════════════╗       m. Barbara     m. Barbara      9 children:
             ║              4 others:    Hassin:       Tschudi:        Caspar,            
       Johann Heinrich      Fridolin,      ║               ║           Melchior,          
          Zumbrunnen        Josue,      Erasmus,       Jacob,          Franz,             
          m. Magdalena      Franz,      Mansuetus,     Paschal,        Catharina,         
1600s       Reding          Johann      Magdalena,     Conrad          Anna Maria,
          Von Biberegg                  Barbara,                       Balthasar,
              ║                         &                              Madelaine,
           Anton Zumbrunnen             Burkhard      Ana Catharina    Mansuetus,  
          m. Maria Elizabetha           Zumbrunnen ══╦══ Behsler       Joachim   
            von Beroldingen                          ║ 
                ║                                ╔═══╩═════════╦═════════════╗    
              ╔═╩═════════════╗                  ║             ║        5 others:
          4 others:         Ana Margareta      Josue      Johann Karl   Ana Barbara,
          Franz Florian,     Zumbrunnen ══╦══ Zumbrunnen   Zumbrunnen   Burkhard,
          Heinrich Burkhart,              ║                m. Verena    R.D. Franz, 
          Anton Joseph,                   ║                 Ibargan     Maria Magdalena,
          Maria Magdalena           9 w/ 1st wife Ana:         ║        Primus                        
                                    Burkhard,                  ║                               to branch:                               
                                    Maria Elisabetha,         ╔╩══════════════╗                Zumbrunnen                    
                                    Sebastian,            Karl Franz      2 daughters:         of Basel   
                                    Anton Joseph,         Zumbrunnen      Catherine,     
                                    Apollonia,                            Maria Elizabeth      
                                    Heinrich Burkhard,                                         
                                    Franz Florian,           Sebastian        Salome                                               
             Unknown link to        Maria Ana Katherine,     Zumbrunnen ══╦══ Rizard
            Rhineland Zumbrunnen    Maria Barbara                         ║  
                      ║              2 w/ 2nd wife                 Sebastian Peregrin      Johanna
                   Johann           Barbara von                       Zumbrunnen ════╦════ Holdt                                              
                 Zumbrunnen         Beroldingen:                                     ║
                      ║             Franz,                                      Johann Anton                                     
                      ║             Heinrich Burkhard                               
                      ║                                                              Johann Heinrich
               ╔══════╩══════════════════════╗                                     Zumbrunnen (Fontana) 
               ║                             ║                                      m. Maria Hyazintha
           Balthasar                    Johann Peter     Anna Ursula                        ║
           Zumbrunnen                    Zumbrunnen ═══╦═══ Schens                   2 children:
               ║                                       ║                             Johann Baptist Anton, 
1700s          ║                                       ║                             Ana Maria Saloma
               ║                                       ║
    ╔══════════╩═════════╗                      ╔══════╩═══════════════════╦═══════════════╗
w/ Barbara:          w/ Anna  Hoffman:          ║                          ║               ║       
Catharina Barbara,   George Michael,      Johann Heinrich   Maria Eva  Johann Georg    Magdalena
George Michael       Johann Christian,     Zumbrunnen ═══╦═══ Lehr      Zumbrunnen     Zumbrunnen
                     Johann Georg                        ║
           Anna         Johann     Apollonia    Johann     Catharina       Anna          Ana
          Dorothea     Andreas     Zumbrunnin   Zumbrun      Zumbrun      Dorothea    Elisabetha
         Zumbrunnin    Zumbrunn                m. Maria                   Zumbrun      Zumbrun
           John        Charles      Henry        George       David        Jacob        4 others:
          Zumbrun      Zumbrun     Zumbrun      Zumbrun      Zumbrun      Zumbrun       Daniel,
             m.           m.          m.           m.           m.           m.         Magdalena,
          Catherine    Rebecca     Susanna      Susanna     Elizabeth     Margaret      Elizabeth,      
           Stimmel      Ream        Ream        Myers        Myers       Cornell       Julian
1800s                                 ║            ║            ║             ║ 
                                      ║            ║            ║             ║ 
The grandchildren of Johann           ║            ║            ║             ║       
& Maria Elisabeth Angel are         Most Zumbruns of Ohio     Most Zumbruns of Maryland
far too numerous to chart           and Indiana descend       and Pennsylvania descend 
                                    from Henry or George      from David or Jacob


  1. Stanmoreqbe says:

    Europe, and in Ancient Russia

  2. Marianne Darr Norman says:

    Do you have another site where you have the years compiled for each of these people?

  3. Josh says:

    Hi Marianne, for most of the family in Europe I don’t have exact dates (but I indicated their century along the left of this page, and I have estimates on their individual pages if they are linked) … I have dates for most of the Zumbruns in America, but I haven’t uploaded them yet. If you have a Zumbrun ancestor, I can probably figure out where exactly they link into the tree. My email is on the About This Site page:


  4. Marianne Darr Norman says:

    Who do you have as the fathers of Johann Heinrich and Maria Elizabeth Angel? That’s as far back as I have my Zumbrun line. I assume they were in Germany. Do you know where? Do you know when Zumbrun arrived in America?
    Thanks, Marianne

  5. Josh Zumbrun says:

    I have Maria Elizabeth Angel’s father as Philip Charles Angel and her mother as Julianna Renecker.

    Johann Heinrich’s father was also named Johann Heinrich (but went by just Heinrich; it was common for German-speaking men of this era to go by their “middle” name). He immigrated to Philadelphia on a ship named “Brothers” in 1754 from the town of Schwegenheim, Germany. He was married to Maria Eva Lehr. Schwegenheim seems to have been her home town, but not his.

    Here is a history of Heinrich Zumbrun’s immigration:

    And here are most of the church records that I know about for Heinrich:

    A fun fact: we are both also descended from Susanna Ream whose grandfather Balthasar immigrated on the same ship as Heinrich Zumbrun! We had two ancestors on that ship and they must have remained quite close throughout their lives in the new world.

  6. Dass ein Attinghausen und ein Zumbrunn Brüder gewesen sein sollen, ist pure Fantasie. Damit sind alle weiteren Angaben falsch und aus der Luft gegriffen, eine echte Genealogie sollte auf Tatsachen beruhen und nicht auf Hirngespinsten. Dies zu vorliegenden irrtümlichen Angaben über die “Zumbrunnen”. Bei Interesse bin ich gerne behilflich, richtige Angaben aus den Kirchenbüchern und anderen Dokumenten zu liefern. :???: :smile:
    Viele Grüsse


    • Ulysse Ulrich Schnegg Zumbrunnen says:


      Eine sichere Genealogie besteht mit Stammvater Walter vom 13. Jahrhundert an. Er war der 2. Sohn des Werner von Attinghausen und der Richenza von Löwenstein, dem bei der Teilung der väterlichen Erbes das Schloss Zumbrunnen zugefallen, dessen Name er seither führte.

      Somit war er der jüngere Bruder des Werner II von Attinghausen.

      Ich würde nicht vorschnell mit “Fantasie und Hirngespinst” um mich werfen!

      Das Jahrzeitbuch Schattdorf oder Gabriel Bucelin’s Genealogie kann Dir da weiterhelfen.


  7. Josh Zumbrun says:

    Peter, Ich werde Ihnen eine Email schicken. Dies ist nicht “meine Fantasie” oder “mein Herngespinst” (Ein neues Wort für mich. Ich mag das!). Dies ist alles aus Quellen. Vielleicht haben die Quellen Fehler, aber ich habe selbst nichts geschaffen.

  8. My father’s family, too, is descended from Johann Heinrich Zumbrun (married to Maria Eva Lehr). My grandmother Martha Eliz. Zumbrun Claxton’s parents were Daniel Zumbrun and Sarah Ott Zumbrun in Ind. I’ll send a copy of our Family line going back to year 1006 (?) or thereabouts as soon as I can learn how to send it to your Dad, Josh. Just recently found him in an Ancestry search The reply from Herr Peter Frutiger was most interesting.. like many things, there are always questions to be asked and answered… common in genealogy, I think… I used to speak German, aber das war schon langeher . I war einmahl Studentin beam Universitat Muenchen. Ich habe aber schon viel vergessen.

  9. I’d be interested in obtaining the internet address of the Swiss genealogy information, Josh, if you could send it to me please.. I am new at this!
    Where did you learn to speak German? i’m impressed!

  10. Just occurred to me that you said that most of the Md. Zumbruns are descended from David or Jacob. I need to check on this, but I think we are from Jacob… I do know that our ancestors migrated from Md. to Ohio in the vicinity of present day Dayton , (Montgomery Co, I believe) and then our ancestor Daniel moved on to Indiana after that… NW of Fort Wayne around Columbia City. Blue River Cemetery is where my grandmother is buried. You probably already have all that information..My sister and I travelled last summer to Dayton, etc. to research.. We found the site of the Zumbrun farm plus a few ancestors buried in local cemeteries. Need to do more research.

  11. Josh Zumbrun says:

    Hi Sharon – the Daniel Zumbrun who married Sarah Ott was the son of Henry Sylvester Zumbrun and Judah Kinsey. Henry Sylvester was the son of Henry Zumbrun and Susannah Ream. Henry and Susannah are on the tree up above. I will send you an email and we can share some research!

  12. Chris Zumbrunnen says:

    Hi Josh I want to thank you again for all your hard work. This information is amazing. My Great Grand Father was born in Bern Sept 10th, 1849 – Christian Zumbrunnen. In 1877 April 12th he was married to Mary Thomas of Monroe Ohio – Mary was born there in Monroe NOV 12 ,1852 I can find my way back to Christian just fine but when I try to find info about Him in Switzerlnd and his Father and Mother I am stumped . If you have any info that might help I would appreciate it. My full name is John Christian Zumbrunnen Jr in West Virginia

  13. Josh Zumbrun says:

    Hi Chris, thanks for your kind note! A branch of the Zumbrunnen family moved from Uri to the Bernese Highlands of Switzerland at some point in the 1500s. If your great grandfather was from Bern, he probably was part of this branch of the family. I have only started researching the family in Bern but I will send you en email with some information on what I know so far.

  14. Christian Zumbrun says:

    It is great to see where my family comes from on the Swiss side, and it’s good to see that I have family around the world. I was intrigued about my families history as all we knew was we were swiss and scottish but with all the articles i’ve been reading I can truly appreciate all the details of our family.

  15. Zumbrennen says:

    Hi, I’m trying to find the missing link. I am tracing back on familysearch.org and last known Zumbrunnen I have in the family tree is a Michael Zumbrunnen born about 1555 in Zweisimmen, Bern, Switz. he was married to an Ana Pfund. they had two sons Oswald Zumbrennen and Michael Zumbrunnen, and a daughter Margaretha Zumbrunner. all from Zweisimmen, Bern, Switz

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