Albrecht, Lord of Attinghausen

Life Sketch
Albrecht of Attinghausen was one of the earliest lords of the Castle of Attinghausen. He was likely born in the first half of the 1100s.

His place in the family genealogy is uncertain, as he is known only because he appears in the ancient church necrologies in Uri. Lord Albrecht was prayed for every year on November 11, according to the Necrology of the St. Andreas Church in Attinghausen.

According to The History of the Barons of Attinghausen and Schweinsberg by Theodor Von Liebenau, and supported by the ancient church books of Attinghausen, we know the names of three very early lords of Attinghausen: Albrecht, Heinrich and Lamprecht. According to a 2011 article by Helmi Gasser, Lamprecht can be identified with the founding family of the castle, and thus by default Heinrich and Albrecht must have come inbetween.

There is no way to determine if Heinrich is Albrecht’s father, or vice versa. The younger of the two was likely born around the 1130s or 1140s and the older likely born between 1100-1120.

The names of two early wives of this family are also known: Bertha and Othilia. It is impossible to know if they are his wife, his mother, or his grandmother.

Vital Information

Name: Albrecht of Attinghausen
Sex: Male
Birth: First half of the 1100s
Residence: Attinghausen Castle
Offices: Lord of Attinghausen
Death: Unknown

Family Members

Father: Unknown, but possibly Heinrich of Attinghausen, or Lord Lamprecht, Knight of Attinghausen
Mother: Unknown, but possibly Bertha or Othilia
Siblings: Unknown

Spouse: Unknown, but possibly Bertha or Othilia
Children: Unknown, but possibly Heinrich of Attinghausen or Werner, Baron of Attinghausen


  • Albrecht of Attinghausen is mentioned in Theodor Von Liebenau’s “History of the Barons of Attinghausen and Schweinsberg”
  • Lord Albrecht was prayed for every year on November 11, according to the Necrology of the St. Andreas Church in Attinghausen.

    1. […] She appears in the same ancient church books as three very early lords of Attinghausen: Albrecht, Heinrich, and Lamprecht. She was thus likely married to one of these men, but it is impossible to […]

    2. […] it could be the first Werner.) November 7 Johanns Her Eglofs sun von Attighusen November 11. Her Albrechts von Attighusen November 14. Frow Elsbeth von Kempten, was her Diethelmds frow von Attighusen. November 17. Frow […]

    3. […] Lamprecht, Knight of Attinghausen ║ 1100s ║ ║ Albrecht of Attinghausen ║ Heinrich of Attinghausen ║ Werner, Baron of Attinghausen ════╦════ Richenza […]

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