Landammann Burkhard Zumbrunnen

Life Sketch
Burkhard Zumbrunnen was the oldest son of Walter Zumbrunnen and the grandson of Werner, Baron of Attinghausen. He was likely born in the early 1200s. Burkhard may have been born in the Zumbrunnen Castle which his father had inherited in 1209.

Burkhard rose to prominence in the valley of Uri, and in the year 1241 he became the third Landammann, which means he was the leader of the people of Uri. He held this office through at least 1251. In 1251 he helped arrange an alliance of mutual protection between Uri and the city of Zurich.

He is sometimes identified as Burkhard Zumbrunnen I, or the Elder, to distinguish from later family members named Burkhard.

He was memorialized in the yearbook of the Monastery of the Order of St. Lazarus, where he was prayed for every year on April 23, which may be his date of death.

Vital Information

Name: Burkhard Zumbrunnen
Sex: Male
Birth: Early-1200s
Residence: Castle Zumbrunnen or Attinghausen
Offices: Landammann of Uri, 1241-1251.
Death: After 1251

Family Members

Father: Walter Zumbrunnen
Mother: Unknown
Siblings: Herman Zumbrunnen

Spouse: Unknown
Children: Burkhard Zumbrunnen, Conrad Zumbrunnen

First cousin: Ulrich Von Attinghausen and Von Schweinsberg
Uncles: Werner II Von Attinghausen and Von Schweinsberg,
Grandparents: Werner I Von Attinghausen, Richenza Von Löwenstein


  • Burkhard Zumbrunnen entry in the Nobiliaire Militaire Suisse
  • The text of the alliance between Uri and Zurich is available in Latin in a historical work from the 1500s by Josias Simmler.
  • Burkhard Zumbrunnen entry at Stammler Genealogie
  • Burkhard Zumbrunnen entry at His year of birth is estimated at 1209.
  • Burkhard Zumbrunnen is included in Bucelin’s genealogy of the Zumbrunnen family from the 1600s. (He is in the third generation of people; his name is written in Latin as Burcardus.)
  • A “Magister Burkardus” is memorialized in the yearbook of the Monastery of the Order of St. Lazarus, where he was prayed for every year on April 23. That likely refers to this Burkhard, who was frequently identified with his title of Landammann or Amman (which means magistrate).

    1. […] Zumbrunnen was the first man to adopt the Zumbrunnen surname. So his eldest son Burkhard Zumbrunnen must have been the second man in history with this […]

    2. […] Burkard Zumbrunnen, first of the name. Landammann (For an explanation of these Swiss titles, see this glossary.) of […]

    3. […] the years, at least seven different Zumbrunnen held the office of Landammann of Uri, including Burkhard Zumbrunnen, Walter Zumbrunnen, Mansuetus Zumbrunnen, and Johann Heinrich […]

    4. […] ║ ║ ║ Werner III Burkhard Herman Von Attinghausen Zumbrunnen Zumbrunnen ║ ║ ║ ║ […]

    5. […] Burkhard Zumbrunnen (1241-51)[b] […]

    6. […] de Atingenhusen dictus de Sweinsperc April 23 – Magister Burchardus (I believe this is Landammann Burkhard Zumbrunnen who was the chief magistrate (magister) of Uri.) April 28 – Dominus Heinricus Nobilis de […]

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